Over the next few weeks, we will transition to using new timeclocks. Eventually we will no longer be using the paper cards. Three timeclocks have been installed close to each entrance to the building: near the back door by Grinding (across from the restrooms), outside the Shipping Office, and in the Maintenance Department. Every employee will be given a card that looks similar to our gate passes. You will need that card to clock in and out. It is very easy: Press a button on the reader and hold your card up to the reader for about 2 seconds.

Our Auto Department tested the system for two weeks, and we very much appreciate their help. Several additional departments will start using the clocks on Monday. Please be patient as we roll out the new system.

The company is making this change to reduce errors due to manual calculations (missed OT hours, etc.) and reduce the amount of time spent in manually entering the hours into the ADP payroll system.

The cards are sensitive to heat. If you put them in the washer & dryer, they will probably not work! It’s probably not a good idea to leave the card in your car when it is very hot. You should also not store the card next to another “HID” card as they can cancel each other. If your card stops working, please come to HR for a replacement.

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